Process of Emulin – A Magic Happy Pill? – Or Just An Amazing Supplement?
In this post we are going to reveal the magic of Emulin. Or what some think is magic. Some are calling it Magic Happy Pills. But the process of Emulin is not magic at all. It's just an amazing discovery attained through good sound science and lots of study and hard work.
So we know it's not magic, but how does it work?
Valentus Prevail Emulin is revolutionary state-of-the-art health technology. A product of it's time like no other.
An all-natural carbohydrate manager.
Carbohydrates and sugar lead to inflammation. Dr. Joe Ahrens' discoveries that have led to the development of Emulin have been recognized worldwide. He's been nominated for the Nobel prize not once but twice.
Organizations of all types including medicine have taken notice. No need to tell you the science and medical fields would frown if they heard Emulin called magic happy pills. But the magic of Emulin has been around a long time.
Try Emulin! You'll Be Glad You Did!
What is the process of Emulin that brings about the Magic Happy Pill Like results?
Well. let's take a look. We'll show you the 3 main stages that Emulin goes through when it enters your body.
Process of Emulin #1: Emulin Obstructs The Transition of Starch To Sugar.
Starch turns to sugar in your body shortly after ingesting it. That's exactly why we are seeing and hearing so much now about starch being the true culprit, and not fat. Emulin blocks, in your mouth, the conversion of starch into sugar. This is step one of the process of Emulin.
Process of Emulin #2: Emulin Blocks The Pathways of Sugar To Your Bloodstream
There are little doorways in your stomach, and your intestines, that sugar passes through on it's way to the bloodstream. Emulin closes some of these doors slowing down the process of the sugar getting through.
The sugar, in the bloodsteam, then must decide where to go. This is one of the functions of insulin. Assisting the sugar in it's travels.
Emulin does the same thing. It guides the sugar to where it needs to go.
Primarily to the brain and to the muscles to be used as food for energy. That's where we want it to go. At the same time keeping it from going to the fat tissues. That's where we don't want it to go.
Not only does Emulin block sugar from entering fat tissue, it blocks the development of fat tissue.
Process of Emulin #3: Emulin Draws Sugar Out Of Fat Tissue
Without Emulin, sugar goes into our fat tissue where it is stored. The body recognizes this sugar as a poison which leads to the release of inflammatory signals throughout the body. But Emulin draws these already existing and stored sugars back out of the fat tissue and onto a better journey to be used in positive ways.
So you see ... they are not magic happy pills at all. Happy pills, yes. Magic pills, no, not at all.
Reducing sugar intake to lower blood glucose won't work by itself.
Your body has a memory and will revert back to it's original state. It actually makes it's own sugar when it feels deprived of it. Emulin however, slows that process down. Metformin, the #1 prescribed drug for diabetes 2, works the same way.
That's not all Emulin does. Type 2 diabetics have insulin in their body that's not working. It's not opening the doorways needed to direct the travel of sugar. But Emulin increases the sensitivity of insulin and with Emulin in the body the insulin will function more properly, opening those doorways.
Studies have shown Emulin to…
Pre-clinical human trials show insulin resistance can be overcome, and blood glucose could be reduced by 25%.
The Emulin Process Makes You Feel Good
When sugars start to balance, people feel good. When inflammation is managed and pain is reduced, it feels good.
Emulin also does cool things in your brain that bring about a good mood.
So what happens when you feel good? It makes you happy right? People with various issues become happy when those issues get reversed.
That's why they began referring to Emulin as magic happy pills. And as far as I'm concerned, when you have a supplement that becomes known as magic happy pills, that's not a bad rap. It's a good rap.
So we say call Emulin magic happy pills all you want. Just keep taking them, and you will continue to benefit.
Thank you for reading the post. Emulin is available now through the Valentus company. Valentus has the exclusive rights to Emulin so you'll have to go through a Valentus rep.
If you would like to be sent more information about Emulin subscribe to the Valentus V-News below. We'll send to you twice a month. And please feel free to drop a comment below if you need anything now.
My Personal Testimony. Jackie
I have undergone multiple Ketamine infusions, multiple medication which take your world away as you once lived it, destroyed happiness in the little things others take for granted. Emulin has rid my body of inflammation. Whilst I still have fibromyalgia, I now have very few symptoms and those I do have are more manageable.
I do have down times still but they have dramatically reduced since starting on Emulin. I was skeptical as I'd tried everything. Thousands of dollars later a gift landed in my lap, a natural product called Emulin. I have my life back and I understand I am probably annoying many by sharing Emulin, but it would be selfish if I didn't as I am living inside a completely different happier body, mind, and soul.
Spreading Hope - Giving Life A Smile
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Media Summary:
3Step Process of Emulin
Emulin Benefits
Emulin Studies
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Last updated on January 20th, 2021 at 10:46 am
About the Author
Brett Gurney
Brett Gurney is dedicated to building his internet marketing business. He discovered long ago it was something that was for him. He enjoys the relationships, he enjoys creating content online, and he enjoys working for himself from home. He says "time and financial freedom are something to get passionate about and something to work hard for".