Emulin Review Your Complete Guide To Emulin
by Brett Gurney
Our vision has been to live in a world of minimized and managed
inflammation, leading to improved health and prolonged useful life.
This web page belongs to Brett Gurney, an independent distributor of Valentus. It is not a company page.
This Emulin Review is your ultimate guide to Valentus' Prevail Emulin M & C. It is is complete, thorough, and jam packed with value. No hype, all facts. Please do enjoy!
What if you could improve your health, reduce pain and inflammation, lose weight, have more energy, sleep better, or control your sugar cravings? What if there was an all-natural supplement that was easy to take and safe for all ages, that could help you do that?
PREVAIL EMULIN is the world’s first “carbohydrate manager". It's also the worlds first "inflammation manager". The active ingredients in EMULIN help your body overcome the negative effects of carbs in natural and holistic ways.
What We'll Cover In This Emulin Review Guide
This Emulin Review will cover everything there is to know about Emulin (also referred to as Emulin C, and Emulin M) ... an amazing and newly discovered multi-faceted health supplement. We'll go from the start of Emulin, including an overview of creator Dr. Joe Ahrens, to the future of Emulin. And we'll cover everything in-between.
We encourage you to take it all in, but you may also click on any topic to go directly to that topic.
A COMPLETE Emulin Review must include all of the following. This is what you'll learn here about Emulin:
What Is Emulin?
Emulin is a patented all-natural blend of 3 active ingredients that work together to manage refined carbohydrates, control sugar, and purge inflammation from the body. Dr. Joseph Ahrens – a two-time Nobel Prize nominee – developed EMULIN®. Emulin reduces the negative effects of carbs, sugars, and inflammation creating a body balance and an optimized immune system. Our immune systems were meant to fight disease but they become compromised. Emulin re-optimizes the immune system and allows it to perform as it should again.
Those involved with the creation of Emulin have this to say ... "EMULIN® is the world’s first “carbohydrate manager.” The active ingredients in EMULIN® help your body overcome the negative effects of carbs in natural and holistic ways.
Positioning Statement For EMULIN®
We consume too many refined carbohydrates, especially sugar and starch.
Excess carbs lead to “carb toxicity” - increased blood sugar, elevated blood fats, excessive weight gain, poor sleep, sluggish physical and mental energy. Excess intake causes blood sugar peaks, leading to tiredness and constant hunger. Prolonged excess carb intake leads to inflammation – the root cause of most disease.
EMULIN® is the world’s first “carbohydrate manager.” Its all-natural patented blend of 3 ingredients that work in synergy to significantly reduce the negative effects of carbohydrates, giving sustained energy throughout the day.
EMULIN® was developed by Dr. Joseph Ahrens – a two-time Nobel Prize nominee. He often says that if EMULIN® was discovered 50 years ago it would have been classified as a “vitamin.” Modern day food processing has stripped “EMULIN® like compounds” from our diet. These need to be added back by supplementation -- 750 mg of EMULIN® effectively provides this.
Dr. Joe Ahrens Answers "What Is Emulin"
Ingredients of Emulin
The 3 active ingredients in the original formulation of Emulin are Quercetin, Myricetin and Chlorogenic Acid. The discovery by Dr. Joe Ahrens is not just the ingredients, but the way they work together. Although intended to be included in our diets by nature, they are no longer found together except in Emulin. This is part of the Emulin patent.
Dr. Joe said, "We looked at what we were trying to accomplish. 1) regulate carbohydrates, 2) manage inflammation. With these two, we thought a host of metabolic disorders could be mitigated".
"We developed an algorithm, and with a supercomputer at UCLA, looked at over 10,000 bio-flavonoids and their effects on key regulating enzymes involved in these two areas. We narrowed the list down to 3. The 3 best bio-flavonoids that together, appeared to manage blood sugar and reduce inflammation".
Dr. Joe Ahrens Answers "Is Emulin All-Natural"
#1 Emulin Review Feature: Dr. Joseph Ahrens - 2 Time Nobel Prize Nominee 2015, 2016
Dr. Joseph Ahrens, a plant physiologist from Florida, is a co-founder of ATM Metabolics. It is through ATM Metabolics that Dr. Joe has brought Emulin and now Emulin Plus and Emulin E to the world. Their purpose is to discover treatments for metabolic and neurological disorders. They use phytochemical applications to get their results.
"We are a research firm focused on returning to the origins of drug discovery by exploring the metabolic and physiological pathways of plants in an effort to better understand how these unique systems may offer us clues to creating better and safer therapeutics".
"We are dedicated to the discovery of new and useful treatments for metabolic and neurological disorders".
Current activities include ongoing study and development of advanced formulations of Emulin. A scientist's job is never done. As he has done all his life, Dr. Joe continues to work hard to bring the best solutions science can offer to the wellness of others.
This is a huge passion for Dr. Joe ...something he has studied and applied himself to all his life. His work has been rich in accomplishment over the years, with Emulin being his latest and greatest claim to fame.
His Education
As so many researchers do, Dr. Ahrens received the majority of his primary education at the University of California, Davis, after stints at University of Tennessee and the University of Florida.
His Career
Dr. Ahrens career has global touches as well. He was a Founder and Director of Agriculture of Freshconsult Ges.m.b.H, Salsburg, Austria (1992–1997).
His projects there include developing permanent shipping channels in the countries of Mali, Belarus, and Brazil. He also led their construction of the first inland refrigerated container terminal in Africa. Freshconsult was acquired by Royal Dutch Shell in 1997.
In 2001 he took the position of Director of Research for the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) and it was here that his work ultimately led to the discovery of Emulin. Before that though, he oversaw the launch of several products including Grapefruit Slush, Citrus Clean, and the Grapefruit Solution.
Grapefruit Slush remains Disney World's top rated beverage.
The Grapefruit Solution was GNC's highest selling food supplement at the time.
But more importantly, it was during his research for the Grapefruit Solution that he noticed something interesting. He was seeing some insulin altering activities in the grapefruit test subjects. This was the beginning of his Emulin breakthrough.
In 2007, Dr. Joe started ATM Metabolics. This would allow him to go all in on isolating this activity that had his curiosity. He was certain it would turn into something major.
Nobel Prize Nominations
Dr. Joe Ahrens has also had special projects along the way that has led to him being universally recognized for his work and accomplishments. The global recognition have resulted in 2 Nobel prize nominations (2015-2016).
One of those nominations are a result of the honorable and diligent work towards helping to prevent the spread of Ebola in Africa.
Emulin Review Featured Video #1 - Dr Joe Ahrens Work With Ebola And Dengue
#2 Emulin Review Feature: The Discovery
The story of the discovery of Emulin is one that we have told often, and will continue to tell. It's a story that I think everyone who cares about their health should hear. It has significant impact.
It all began with the grapefruit project at the Florida Department of Citrus where Joe Ahrens was director at the time. He joined forces on a company project to prove grapefruit can cause weight loss. Not as a placebo, or a satiety (feeling full) thing, but through real physiological changes.
This required a great deal of in-depth research and study. They eventually conducted the human clinical trials at Scripps Institute and the results were inclusive. Grapefruit did indeed cause weightloss in the subjects. It was proven and the company would be happy.
Something Shocking
But the research showed Dr. Ahrens something else that had him intrigued to the point of shock and excitement. In addition to the weight loss, the subjects also showed changes in their insulin activity.
For the scientists you can imagine what was going on in their heads over this. They had found something. Something that could possibly have far greater impact than just weight loss. There was something in grapefruit causing a physiological change in insulin activity. It appeared to be mimicking insulin.
The doctor was looking forward to informing his employer of these unexpected findings. He was sure that like him, they would be eager to learn more.
To His Amazement The FDOC Didn't Care
He was wrong though. The FDOC didn't care about his other findings. They were happy to hear about the grapefruit study results, but that was all.
In fact they said "You've done your part and we are happy with the result. We've heard what we wanted to hear. But we have no desire to do any further testing.
This was not acceptable to the scientist, Joe Ahrens. They had stumbled across something that they knew could have a large impact on peoples lives. And they could not just walk away from it. So they didn't.
The Two Doctors Start Their Own Company - ATM Metabolics
So Dr. Joe started his own company in order to carry on their work. Finding out exactly what was causing this insulin mimicking activity was a top priority. They had their work cut out for them. It would be costly and time consuming.
From the interest of others with the right resources, they were able to get access to the equipment needed. Super computers on the largest scale allowed them to look across all plant life and explore all molecules found in nature.
Through a sorting and sifting process that took years, they eventually found what they were looking for.
Three phytochemicals that when interacting resembled the activities of insulin. A discovery of unmatched proportions that could have profound effects on peoples health, and even their lives.
These substances could be extracted from the inner skins of not just grapefruit as it turns out, but several different fruits. Especially those that originate in the tropics.
They concluded that these 3 substances at the cellular level were intended by nature to be included in our diets. If ingested along with sugars and carbohydrates our metabolisms would be managed properly. But they have been eliminated after decades of agricultural abuses, developing, processing, and refining, and no longer exist together as they should.
Coined by the two doctors as "sugar chaperones", this incredible discovery would go on to be developed into what we now know as Emulin Plus.
Dr. Joe Ahrens Answers "How Did Your Team Discover Emulin"
#3 Emulin Review Feature: How Emulin Works
This might get a little technical, but it's a real product giving real results backed by real science and real proof. So there must be a process happening in the body that can be explained. That is what we are going to do for you now.
There are 7 actions that Emulin generates beginning immediately after ingestion. These actions are actually the "interruption" of events that normally occur whenever carbohydrates or sugar enter the body.
Interruption #1: Starch to Sugar
Stopping or slowing the conversion of starch to sugar. This begins taking place immediately when you eat. The normal process of the body breaks down starches into sugar. Emulin blocks this process.
Interruption #2: Glucose Absorption
Normally when you ingest food the body begins absorbing glucose. This starts in the Upper GI tract. Emulin interrupts this process so the result is less sugar entering the bloodstream.
Interruption #3: The Routing of Glucose
Emulin interupts the normal not-so-good routing of glucose, and helps it choose a better path. For example, it guides the glucose to muscle tissue as opposed to fat tissue. In the muscle it can be used as food and energy. And to the brain also for similar positive outcomes.
Interruption #4: The Forming of Fat
When sugar routes to and resides in fat tissue it turns into more fat. Especially when there is a lack of adequate energy and exercise. But with the better route into the muscles and brain the result is an increase in energy and the burning of fat.
Interruption #5: Glucose Homeostasis
Insulin normally helps transport glucose into the cells where it needs to be. But insulin doesn't always do it's job as well as it should. Emulin mimics insulin. It picks up the slack where insulin might fall short. The result is an interruption of sugar spikes and dips leading to a better and more health sugar balance.
Interruption #6: Unsteady Release of Insulin
Sometimes insulin does not release into the body as it should. In addition to Emulin mimicking what insulin does, it also helps the existing insulin move better and release more. The result is again a healthier sugar balance.
Interruption #7: Insulin Insensitivity
If you are sensitive to insulin your body responds to it properly. But that's not always the case. The less sensitive you are, the poorer the bodies response. Emulin to the rescue again. It promotes insulin sensitivity in your body. Therefor you need less of it to get the job done.
Dr. Joe Ahrens Answers "How Does Emulin Work"
How Does Emulin Compare With Eating Healthy Food, And How Does It Compare With Other Supplements?
There are healthy foods and nutritional supplements that can assist in some of these areas. But you will not get the same effects as you would with Emulin. Having said that ... it is not a magic pill. It should be taken along with healthy food. If you do that, Emulin will get you back on track.
Dr. Joe Ahrens Answers "What Makes Emulin Different"
Reducing Sugar Intake To Lower Blood Glucose Won't Work By Itself
Your body has a memory and will convert back to it's original state. When it feels deprived of sugar it will actually make it's own. But Emulin has a big impact on the process, slowing it down tremendously. The #1 prescribed drug for Type 2 diabetics, Metformin, works along the same lines.
#4 Emulin Review Feature: Benefits of Emulin - What Does It Do?
This is what ATM Metabolics has to say about Emulin:
"Emulin® is a naturally derived compound that has the unique ability to "buffer" and "quelch" the effects of glucose on the human metabolic pathway which will be instrumental in treating hyperglycemia and hopefully improve the lives of diabetics worldwide.."
"Emulin® is an incredible discovery. It is a whole new way of attacking the problems of diabetes and metabolic syndrome, the precursor of diabetes. Metabolic Syndrome is a disorder of aging which is made up of five symptoms which are often seen together and predict diabetes."
And they go on to list these 5 Symptoms that make up Metabolic Syndrome ...
Any of these symptoms could be a warning Of diabetes
*Important Note: Emulin is not only beneficial for those with high glucose or metabolic syndrome issues. It beats inflammation which opens up a whole new category. If you are familiar with all the issues that inflammation is responsible for , then you know exactly what I'm talking about
As far back as 2004 Time Magazine did a front page editorial titled Inflammation: The Secret Killer
In addition to Metabolic Syndrome, Emulin+ attacks and manages two grave conditions happening in our bodies on a daily basis. These two conditions are both significant factors to a large amount of the health problems in the world today.
The benefits of Emulin+ come as a direct result from the engagement, and elimination of these two conditions.
Emulin+® tackles these 2 things:
Refined carbs are hazardous to our systems and they bring about unwanted sugar and chronic inflammation
Cleansing our systems of these poisons creates a domino effect resulting in undreamed-of health and wellness benefits. We are hearing it every day from excited Emulin users. The product stories are exciting and amazing.
Dr. Joe Ahrens Answers "Why Do We Need Emulin"
Emulin Research
Research on Emulin™ has been conducted at the world’s leading metabolic and diabetes centers showing a drop in fasting blood glucose by up to 33% compared to the control group (Ahrens & Thompson, J. Med. Food. 2013 Mar;16(3):211-5).
Although there have been numerous studies over the years as the doctors discovered, produced, and perfected the product, I'm going to discuss 2 of them here. These are both on the ATM Metabolics website as well.
I will add to and update this page section as the ongoing studies get published.
Clinical Studies & Scientific Analysis
#1. An independent study performed by Eurofins Product Safety Laboratories on diabetic rats treated with Emulin®
The results showed up to a 27 percent reduction in glucose levels. These results indicate that Emulin® may have therapeutic potential in the management of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
Dr. Gary Grover, Professor of Physiology and Biophysics at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and Director of Pharmacology for Eurofins, had this to say about it ...
"This is one of the most difficult and extreme research models to test with and I was very impressed with the outcome...I have never seen anything perform like this in this severe of a model, other than insulin itself...you may be regenerating B[eta]-cells"
#2. Human Clinical Trials @dgd Research Cetero Labs/Optimized Clinical Research
Dr. Mark Kipnes, Executive Vice President and Associate Medical Director of dgd Cetero Labs made the following comments in regard to the study ...
"Emulin® does a better job at reducing blood sugar levels in type II diabetes than metformin, the most commonly prescribed drug. Emulin®...[is] a genuine breakthrough."
"At the end of one week, those subjects on placebo had a slight increase in fasting blood glucose levels, which continued into the second week... Those persons taking Emulin® alone had an 11% decline at one week and a 20% decline by week 2".
The History of Emulin - Media Coverage
In 2001 Dr. Joe made a shocking discovery while working on a solution for weightloss with grapefruit. Since that time tthey worked on their own to learn more about it. Years later after obtaining access to the resources need to isolate the active ingredients, they started their company ATM Metabolics to begin production of Emulin.
Up to that point they were calling it Sugar Shocker. The product that emulates insulin ... hence the new name Emulin.
Since the time of the earliest productions, Emulin has garnered attention and media coverage. You can see all the videos here, but I will include now the earliest ones for you to take a look at.
Emulin Review Featured Video #4 - Emulin In The News - Orlando 2009
A scientists work is never done, and we believe this is just the beginning of the evolution of Emulin. We expect much more media attention and coverage in the months and years to follow.
Emulin Plus Testimonials
Needless to say, an Emulin review page would be incomplete without product testimonials. For now I will link you to a playlist. In the future there will be a separate page that I will direct you to from here. It will be a great page packed with testimonials and stories . So check back here often for the update.
Emulin Review Featured Video #5 - Joan Parson's Amazing Emulin Story
#1 Emulin Review Bonus - Emulin and Inflammation
There are two kinds of inflammation. Acute inflammation, and chronic inflammation. One is good, the other not so good.
Inflammation is our body's response to injury. It's a normal defense mechanism. It's this inflammatory response that guards our body against viruses and bacteria, repairs damaged tissues, and helps to heal wounds. It lasts for a short time, does it's job, and then goes away.
Chronic inflammation, on the other hand, does not go away. It sticks around and it reeks havoc on our bodies. It does not fix damage it causes it ... and it can lead to an array of serious health conditions and challenges.
When we ingest sugar and carbs (which turn to sugar almost immediately) and those sugars get deposited into our fat cells it triggers an inflammatory reaction. The body sees these deposited sugars as toxins and as a threat so the defenses go up and the inflammatory signals go out.
Most of us ingest sugar throughout the day ... day after day. And it's this constant barrage and release of inflammatory signals (known as low-grade inflammation) that build up over time, becoming chronic inflammation.
With Emulin however, as discussed above, those ingested carbs and sugars get rerouted to others areas to be used as fuel and food. And in thise case, the inflammatory signals do not go out, and we stay in balance.
This is how Emulin beats inflammation.
#2 Emulin Review Bonus - Emulin and Weight Loss
Emulin Plus is not a weight loss product. But consuming Emulin and losing weight often do go together. And it does makes sense when that happens.
There is a direct connection between body weight and excess sugar levels. And the sugar consumption numbers are staggering. People take in as much as 50 teaspoons of sugar on average per day. It's no wonder there is an obesity epidemic.
Any Emulin review will show that one of it's primary functions is to reroute sugar to be used as fuel and food. This process is only going to have a positive effect on body weight. After all, having extra energy gets people moving more. And that burns calories. Expending energy has always been a recommended solution to weight loss.
That's not all. I'm happy to tell you that just consuming Emulin along with food does something else amazing. It blocks approximately 1/3 of the calories from ever even getting stored in the body. Another positive side effect of the product.
The result? Weight loss becomes a welcome side effect for many that are using it.
And there's more. Athletes love Emulin too. A regular practice for a lot of athletes is carb-loading for more energy. The problem with that is the card-crashing that comes along with it.
Now though, a good amount of athletes on Emulin are performing better on the same amount of carbs. With zero carb-crash. That is something for any athlete to get excited about.
The Future of Emulin+
We can only imagine the future of Emulin+. But we are sure it will be a bright one for all those involved. Dr. Joe Ahrens is an incredible scientist. You don't get nominated for Nobel prizes if you're not.
He's also extremely passionate about getting Emulin into the hands of all the people that need it. There are ongoing studies and various products containing Emulin in the pipeline. It will be exciting to be a part of the roll-out of those new and more advanced variations of the product.
I hope this Emulin Review has provided some value for you. I would love to hear what you think! Please leave a comment and let me know. Any questions are welcome also.
How To Purchase Emulin Plus
If you are wondering where to buy Emulin+, it can only be purchased through the Valentus Company. Valentus has exclusive rights to the product. You'll need to go through an independent distributor ... it's the only way they sell it. My name is Brett Gurney and I am a Valentus distributor. To see the prices and to purchase product you may go to my Valentus website here.
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Thanks for reading my Ultimate Guide To Emulin!
Brett Gurney
Last updated on November 24th, 2023 at 09:13 pm